Players & Parents:  It is important that you read and prayerfully consider the policies explained below before signing your registration form for any Victors sport.  Please note:  your signature indicates that you have read and are in agreement with all Victors policies.

Victors Homeschool Sports was created to provide home-educated student athletes the opportunity to play competitive sports.  We support and advocate home education for the glory of Jesus Christ as an excellent educational choice throughout the high school years.  Victors hopes to meet a need for students who would like to play competitive sports while continuing on the homeschooling journey with their family.  Victors is run completely by volunteer homeschooling parents.  Each existing sport was started by parents who had a child interested in that particular sport.  The Victors organization is committed to working together as families in discipling our young people for Christ, and in using competitive sports to build character and integrity.